
  • peter mac 8:29 am on January 20, 2012 | #

    Mmm, yes, looks lovely with those well thought out structural junctions, strong, heavy(…?) unbreakable, etc, etc.
    Whose is it, where in the UK is the Shed, what sizes (26/29er)……love the vice.
    Best wishes
    Peter Mac

  • luca Neuburg 6:48 pm on January 20, 2012 | #

    …..looks like the new full Cotic..

  • MuddyDave 8:38 am on January 21, 2012 | #

    I agree Luca, I thought exactly the same thing last night but it clearly isn’t (that’s not a 38mm seat tube). Maybe Cy Turner has had a hand in it though?

  • brant 8:39 am on January 21, 2012 | #

    It’s a “proof of concept” by a company called Caged Lazer who I went to see. We are discussing UK production.

  • petermac 11:24 am on January 24, 2012 | #

    Ah, rollcage makers for cars meets bike bits for stars…..tricky bits cutted, bent and fitted to give a new take on triangles for two wheels.
    Is there no end to the beauty that awaits us cycle riders?

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